Recommendation: 2023005-20

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Ref # 2023005-20
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Self-detrainment of passengers between Shankill & Bray, 24th July 2022
Occurrence Date 24 July 2022

Basis for Recommendation

IÉ’s internal report, Post Incident Assessment into the Customer Response of the DART Derailment at Dun Laoghaire, made eight recommendations, the status of which could not be verified by IÉ-IM in a timely manner and not logged in a similar manner to safety recommendations which are logged in AIMS; in addition, the implementors of the recommendations of the CX Recommendation Plan do not appear to be formalised.


IÉ-IM and IÉ-RU should develop a system whereby internal recommendations as a result of safety related incidents are logged with an allocated timeframe, and the actions taken verified, and the status recorded.