Recommendation: 2023005-11

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Ref # 2023005-11
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Self-detrainment of passengers between Shankill & Bray, 24th July 2022
Occurrence Date 24 July 2022

Basis for Recommendation

In terms of the communications through the IÉ Emergency Line this is addressed through IÉ’s new Service Delivery and Customer Experience. However, consideration should be given as to whether Mainline Traffic Regulators should be the interface with passengers (IÉ Emergency Line) during major events or diverted to a more suitable party. In addition, there is no requirement for more senior members of IÉ staff to be present in CTC during major events; had relevant staff members been present, decisions may have been made quicker and an MCD may have been triggered.


IÉ-IM, and IÉ-RU, should review and formalise its processes for the attendance and allocation of staff requirements at CTC for major events, to determine what members of staff need to be present.