Recommendation: 2024002-05

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Ref # 2024002-05
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Broken Rail near Emly, County Tipperary, 22nd February 2023
Occurrence Date 22 February 2023

Basis for Recommendation

There is no training for the Person in Charge of Stressing on when difficulties are encountered on site the conditions/criteria that Thermit SoW-5 can continue, be restarted or abandoned. There is no guidance on who makes the decision is it the Person in Charge of Stressing or their Supervisor.


IÉ-IM CCE should update CCE-TMS-323 to include guidance for the Person in Charge of Stressing, in relation to actions to be taken when difficulties are encountered with Thermit SoW-5 (including when Thermit SoW-5 can continue, be restarted or must be abandoned; and, who is responsible for this decision, the Person in Charge of Stressing or their Supervisor). On completion of the update, Persons in Charge of Stressing should be briefed and the training programme for the role revised with the new guidance.