Recommendation: 2024002-03

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Ref # 2024002-03
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Broken Rail near Emly, County Tipperary, 22nd February 2023
Occurrence Date 22 February 2023

Basis for Recommendation

There were issues with the Rail Tensors at the time of welding. CCE-TMS-323 does not specify servicing or recalibration frequency for the rail stressing equipment, with IÉ-IM CCE not checking whether the Welding Contractor was carrying out servicing or recalibration.


IÉ-IM CCE should develop systems for the management and certification of rail stressing equipment (including contractor’s rail stressing equipment), to ensure equipment is regularly serviced and recalibrated at a nominated frequency. These updated requirements should be reflected in the relevant documents.