Recommendation: 2020001-10

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Ref # 2020001-10
Status Further Evidence Requested
Occurrence Passenger trap-and-drag on Luas tram at Heuston Stop, 26th March 2019
Occurrence Date 26 March 2019

Basis for Recommendation

The drivers involved in the incidents at Heuston Stop and Jervis Stop were not subject to ongoing monitoring and supervision for any specified time period; despite their actions being contributory to the incidents. Transdev’s current “Chain of Care Procedure” is also not vigorous in ensuring drivers are subject to any requirements as the document only applies where there is a period of absence; and, are only for consideration. As a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Transdev should update their Chain of Care Procedure mandating that drivers are subject to appropriate developmental supports (such as assessment, monitoring and supervision) post incident/accident. Depending on the type of incident/accident, and whether the actions of the driver contributed to the incident/accident, specified periods of time of continuing developmental supports should be set.