Recommendation: 2019003-03

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Ref # 2019003-03
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Vehicle struck by train at Cartron level crossing, XM220, Co. Mayo, 17th August 2018
Occurrence Date 17 August 2018

Basis for Recommendation

The RAIU consider that the advance warning signage is not fit-for-purpose in that the illustration of a picket gate does not identify that it is a railway gated crossing that the driver is approaching. In addition, with the prolific misuse, it is also likely that the road user will not approach a closed gate as the gates are continuously left open. The RAIU consider that there are three opportunities to warn users of trains which these signs, however, in their current state, it is clear, considering the behaviour of users, that these signs are not effective (CF-03). As a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport should review, in consultation with the relevant stakeholders, their current advance warning signage (W 121) with a view changing the signage to make it clear to road users that they are approaching a user operated level crossing. They should also consider the introduction of other traffic calming measures in efforts to encourage safe road user behaviour. Care should be taken not to inadvertently introduce new risks as a result of their proposed measures.