Recommendation: 2023003-03

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Ref # 2023003-03
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Collision of an RRV Dumper with a member of Iarnród Éireann infrastructure maintenance staff, Tivoli, Cork, 6th July 2022
Occurrence Date 06 July 2022

Basis for Recommendation

The majority of IÉ staff have been issued “smart” phones or other handheld electronic devices in order for them to carry out their work; and although the use of mobile phones is covered in the IÉ Rule Book, the increased use of this technology for use on the railway needs to be addressed companywide (it is noted that IÉ-RU already have a policy in place).


IÉ-IM should produce and circulate a policy document for the use of phones and all handheld electronic devices for the acceptable, safe and secure use and management of these devices when working on the railway.