Recommendation: 2023002-06

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Ref # 2023002-06
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Collision with track equipment between Newbridge and Kildare, 27th August 2021
Occurrence Date 27 August 2021

Basis for Recommendation

The accident was not reported, in full, in the first instance, as set out in CCE-SMS-005 and CCE-SMS-007; and the full scale only came to light due to the efforts of the internal IÉ Safety Department. The contractors and IÉ-IM GO felt unable to challenge the IÉ-IM supervisors, a form, of authority gradient). The RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


IÉ-IM should conduct a full review on the reporting of accidents by IÉ-IM staff and contractors, consideration should be given to:

  • Reviewing CCE-SMS-007 and CCE-SMS-005 to identify any areas where improvements can be made related to the reporting of safety related occurrences; where areas of concern are identified these should be addressed;
  • Enhance and promote its confidential reporting system to ensure all staff (with a particular emphasis on contracted staff) can report issues related to safety and welfare;
  • Promote a positive culture, associated with the reporting of occurrences, in an effort to eliminate on-site authority gradients whereby staff cannot challenge supervisors (Safety Recommendation 2023002-03).