Recommendation: 2022003-14

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Ref # 2022003-14
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Trend investigation into Signals Passed At Stop on the Luas network
Occurrence Date 03 January 2020

Basis for Recommendation

After a Signal Passed at Stop (SPAS) incident has been confirmed, drivers are re-training over a period of one-to-two days which normally involves the driver trainer accompanying the driver through the location of the SPAS. Drivers are normally back to full driving duties, without sanction or extra monitoring, within a week of the SPAS event. Therefore, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Transdev Dublin Light Rail (TDLR) to review and strengthen the current process for the management of drivers post Signal Passed at Stop (SPAS) incident, to ensure drivers skills are further developed (through adequate re-training) and they are supported (through increased monitoring) post SPAS incident.