Recommendation: 202106-05

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Ref # 202106-05
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Luas Overhead Line Failure, Stillorgan, 2nd November 2020
Occurrence Date 02 November 2020

Basis for Recommendation

The reason for the presence of Cupric Oxide could not be determined during this investigation; as such, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Transdev should investigate the reason for the build-up of Cupric Oxide on the Overhead Contact System (OCS) wire. The investigation should include but not limited to:
• Impact of longer trams, and congestion of trams in electrical sections;
• Electrical resistance monitoring of tram to identify if high current demand is an issue;
• Consequence of trams working in degraded mode on current demand;
• The pantograph carbon bands and OCS interface.