Recommendation: 202105-07

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Ref # 202105-07
Status Closed
Occurrence Overhead Line detachment, Pearse Station, 1st October 2020
Occurrence Date 01 October 2020
Date Closed 31/12/2021

Basis for Recommendation

The On Train Data Recorder (OTDR) clock for EMU 8128 was not set to the correct time and the 8100 EMU maintenance schedule does not prescribe an examination of the OTDR. The RAIU have previously identified issues related to the OTDR. Although, the RAIU note that a Vehicle Maintenace Instruction (VMI) has been issued in relation to the OTDR, given that a previous safety recommendation on the OTDR, the RAIU consider that this should
be verified by the CRR and as a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Iarnród Éireann Railway Undertaking (IÉ-RU) Chief Mechanical Engineer's Department to review and develop a maintenance strategy for the 8100 EMU On Train Date Recorders (OTDRs) to ensure that the correct information is recorded.