Recommendation: 202103-03

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Ref # 202103-03
Status Open / In progress
Occurrence Person entrapped in lowered CCTV level crossing, Ashfield, Offaly, 24th May 2020
Occurrence Date 24 May 2020

Basis for Recommendation

In all the eleven incidents of similar occurrences, none of the members of the public (MOPs) contacted the LCCOs through the use of the telephones provided; and although Iarnród Éireann Infrastructure Manager (IÉ-IM) are in the process of introducing new signage warning MOPs not to enter the level crossings when the barriers are lowering (CaF-01), there is no signage inside the barriers, instructing MOPs on what actions to take if trapped inside the barriers, as a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Iarnród Éireann Infrastructure Manager (IÉ-IM) Chief Civil Engineer's (CCE) Department should examine the feasibility of installing signage inside the barriers of CCTV level crossings warning MOP what actions to take in the event of becoming trapped.