Recommendation: 202102-04

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Ref # 202102-04
Status Further Evidence Requested
Occurrence Collision between a Bord na Móna Flat Wagon and Kilcolgan Level Crossing Gates, Offaly, 8th June 2020
Occurrence Date 08 June 2020

Basis for Recommendation

The risk register, which has not been updated for ten years, was not updated to include the risks associated with unauthorised movements of the derailing points. In addition, the potential risks associated with the findings of an internal investigation report completed in 2017 were also not included on the risk register; as a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Bord na Móna should review its level crossing Risk Register updating where necessary to sufficiently capture all reasonably foreseeable risks. In addition, Bord na Móna should consider adding a requirement within its Rail Safety Case Document that requires regularised Risk Management Workshops at which risks, mitigation measures, etc, are reviewed and updated when necessary.