Recommendation: 202002-01

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Ref # 202002-01
Status Further Evidence Requested
Occurrence Near miss with Patrol Ganger near Woodlawn, Galway, 4th June 2019
Occurrence Date 04 June 2019

Basis for Recommendation

In relation to the near miss with the patrol ganger, a certain element of risk seems to be acceptable in relation to track patrolling; given that known dangers are not being challenged or adequately mitigated by patrol gangers or their manager. Also, given the numbers of patrol lengths being foot patrolled on a weekly basis (approximately 200) without any change in process over the years, despite improvements to the railway (Continuous Welded Rail) and increased risks due improvements in rolling stock (e.g. quieter trains). The mechanisation of plain line inspection would remove patrol staff from a large proportion of their exposure to risk and should be considered. As a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


Iarnród Éireann - Infrastructure Manager should review its track inspection methods to see if technological/ mechanised systems and/ or other safety measures could be implemented to eliminate/ minimise track worker exposure to railway hazards whilst undertaking the task of track patrolling.