Recommendation: 2019004-10

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Ref # 2019004-10
Status Further Evidence Requested
Occurrence Road Rail Vehicle occurrences on Iarnród Éireann Network
Occurrence Date 24 September 2015

Basis for Recommendation

IÉ-IM’s comprehensive suite of documents in relation to the CCE’s SMS requirements, contractor’s permit to access and safety tours and compliance are effective in identifying observed non-compliances and issuing CANs with corrective actions to address the issues identified. And the long-term issuance of CANs for the same reasons has not been identified as a hazard by the Head of Engineering Safety at the Contractor’s Safety Review Workshop to try and encourage contractors to operate and maintain their plant in a compliant way i.e. the contractors are satisfied to continue to accept CANs and only act on the corrective actions when forced. In addition, it is noted that I-PLM-5110 is also not effective in the management of RRV plant on site. As a result, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


IÉ-IM should conduct a thorough review of their suite of SMS documentation and plant and machinery standards, related to RRV contractors, to identify deficiencies in terms of the management of contractors and their plant. Where deficiencies are identified, IÉ-IM should develop new systems for the management of plant on site, and, for their safety tour and compliance verification processes to ensure contractors regularly inspect and maintain their plant in good condition; rather than the continued issuance of corrective action notices.