Recommendation: 2014-003

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Ref # 2014-003
Status Closed
Occurrence Possession Incidents - Trend Investigation
Occurrence Date 27 February 2014
Date Closed 01/12/2014

Basis for Recommendation

A number of the possession incidents reviewed involved errors in maintaining a safe system of work in accordance with Section T3 of the IÉ Rule Book. Protection planning as a function is not formalised with regards to process or individual accountability in current IÉ procedures. In addition to this the Management Control Room does not currently mandate the discussion of possession arrangements and in many cases these are pre-established. The following safety recommendation is made to improve possession protection planning procedures:


IÉ (Infrastructure Manager) should establish a possession planning procedure that ensures protection arrangements are based on the work to be delivered and are verified by a suitable member of staff and formally communicated to all relevant personnel.