Recommendation: 2013-002

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Ref # 2013-002
Status Closed
Occurrence Tractor struck train at level crossing XE020
Occurrence Date 20 June 2012
Date Closed 20/09/2016

Basis for Recommendation

Having failed to close the crossing, IÉ attempted to mitigate the poor viewing distances at the level crossing by the introduction of the Temporary Speed Restriction and whistle boards, which proved inadequate on the day of the accident resulting in the Tractor Driver adopting his own systems for using the level crossing (such as reading railway signals) the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


IÉ should review their systems of managing level crossings that fail to meet the viewing distances in IÉ technical standard CCE-TMS 380 Technical Standard for the Management of User Worked Level Crossings to ensure that any mitigation measure that is introduced is effective at reducing the risk to level crossing users.