Recommendation: 2013-001

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Ref # 2013-001
Status Closed
Occurrence Tractor struck train at level crossing XE020
Occurrence Date 20 June 2012
Date Closed 16/03/2017

Basis for Recommendation

Viewing distances at the level crossing do not meet IÉ’s ‘Technical Standard for the Management of User Worked Level Crossings’. Given that viewing distances can still not be met by the introduction of a Temporary Speed Restriction and that users have to position themselves within the swept path of the train in order to look for trains; and that the Tractor Driver did not hear the train horn sounded at the whistle boards location, the RAIU make the following safety recommendation:


IÉ should close, move or alter the level crossing in order to meet the required viewing distances in IÉ’s technical standard CCE-TMS-380 Technical Standard for the Management of User Worked Level Crossings.